India: “This was taken the first day we were in India, and you’re surprised about the new aesthetic you encounter in another country: the fake flowers, the atmosphere. In India we were never alone. If we were walking, or at a restaurant, there were always between two and 20 people who wanted to tell us something, or beg, or found it interesting to be around us,” says van Bleiswijk. Adds van Eijk: “This was a very tiny restaurant, and there’s a kind of fence around it. The daugher of the owner was sneaking stares at the people eating inside. This very curious child almost becomes part of the setting, but at the same time it’s also a bit sad, because it might be that she doesn’t get as much to eat as the people having dinner there.” Continues van Bleiswijk: “There’s another layer of emotion to this picture, because a couple weeks after we came back from this trip, the tsunami hit this area.”