Sight Unseen is always on the lookout for interesting people, objects and interiors to feature. We are open to anyone working in design and the visual arts. We feature homes, studios, creative talents, new collections, and more.
Submission requirements:
• All submissions must be sent by email to submissions [at] sightunseen [dot] com
• Submission emails must include a short description of your work and a few low-res jpegs for preview purposes.
• They must also include a SINGLE link to a folder that contains both high-res JPEG images (no TIFs or videos) and a document with all of the information about the project. If your email does not include a link to images and an information document, it may be discarded.
• If your photos require a photographer credit, it must be included in the individual photo file names, not in a separate folder or document.
• Due to a large amount of submissions, we cannot respond to every submission we receive. If we are interested in creating a feature around your work, we will be in touch!
• All product and paper submissions can be sent to 611 Warren St., Suite 3, Brooklyn, NY 11217, but please note: Sight Unseen does not accept products or compensation in exchange for editorial coverage. All coverage is at our sole discretion, and all sponsored posts are clearly marked as such on the site.