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The sisters’ tool wall is all pretty run of the mill, except for the black gloves on the top row, which they use for dyeing. “We experiment a lot — either dyeing a fabric, or a whole garment, or just the edge or sleeve of a garment. A lot of it, though, is really just creating our own colors, especially for sample making. I’m very picky about color. If it’s not the right blue, it needs to go back in the dye bath, again and again and again. Sometimes to nail a color takes me forever. The process is so unpredictable because some fabrics take a lot of dye while others don’t, and when you start mixing black and blue to get a dark blue, some fabrics soak up more of one than the other.” In addition to finding the perfect gradient transitions between contrasting colors, one of the techniques Daphne is known for is creating pieces out of various shades of black (or white).