Max Enrich Is Making Little Chairs Out of Everyday Items — Post Your Own on Instagram!
One of the biggest messages to come out of our story yesterday asking designers for positive advice is that this is the perfect time — if you’re lucky enough to not be dealing with sickness or cooped-up children, of course — to be as creative as possible. That was Spanish designer Max Enrich‘s approach when, confined to his family’s country house in Costa Brava, he started using his overly abundant spare time to make funny little “chairs” out of household goods like cereal boxes and butter packets. “I wanted to build something, and I thought about starting with a chair, but I couldn’t find even a wood strip or rod, or a bit of clay around,” says Enrich. “And then I realized you can represent a chair with almost anything — the idea of a chair with almost anything. So I picked a few items from the shelf and took these pictures, and then I innocently posted them on Instagram with the caption ‘send me yours.’ I might have received around 150 already! I feel so curious about the proposals… Specially about the non-designers. Love them all!”
We’ve posted Enrich’s creations, as well as some of his followers’, below. If you’ve got a little extra time of your own for a creative exercise, Sight Unseen is joining Enrich in inviting you to make a chair from things around your house and posting it on Instagram. Make sure to tag @maxenrich and @_sightunseen_ with the hashtag #isolationchairs, and invite your friends to do the same! We’ll repost our favorites in our Instagram Stories.