Gift Guides
Our 2015 Holiday Gift Guide — Monica’s Picks
Welcome to Sight Unseen’s annual holiday gift guide! This week, we’re sharing our best, most covetable, seriously-buy-me-now finds from around the web. We’ve narrowed it down to 25 items from each editor — a herculean task when it’s basically your job to source cool things all year round. Next up is Monica, whose wish list this year runs the gamut from hairy pillows to hiking boots. (And check out our guides from last year and the year before for even more ideas!) Happy holidays!
Mitec earrings by Beppe Caturegli for Acme Legacy, $205
One Language Traveller book by FOS for InOtherWords, about $52
Pepe Marble Mirror by Studiopepe for Menu, $550
Bowl by Poul Kjaerholm, $300
Trophé Vase by Pool, $4,500
Les Geometriques NRO 16 earrings by AgJc, $53
Wool Hiker boot by Feit, $760
Rain perfume by Commodity, $99
Oversize Wire Basket by Bend Goods, $300
Mirror and Light Sculpture by Pettersen & Hein, about $714
Marble Bookend, Paper and CD Holder by Scandola Marmi, $143
Black Stracciatella Bread Box by 45KILO for MY KILOS, about $126
Stevie Cushion by You’re Welcome, $109
Knot V by Julia Kostreva for West Elm, $149
Florence Card (Palette) by FrancesLab, $4.50 each
Ripple Coat Hanger by Klemens Schillinger for Hem, $40
Samphire Candle by Laboratory Perfumes, $56
For the Record frame by Spitsberg, about $48 – $153
Almond Chocolate Bars by Mast Brothers, $5 to $24
Jayne Classic Jacket by Veda, $946
Egg Pendant by Sophie Buhai, $550
Float Ring by Faris, $185
Endless Rain Record by Kouichi Okamoto for Kyouei, $55
Shearling Neck Pillow by Shinola, $190
Frame Planter Cube by Trey Jones Studio, $550