Three Designers Turned Their Hotel Rooms Into Studios for A Weekend Residency — Here are the Results

With the help of the design-forward travel app HotelTonight — which allows designers to choose from a curated selection of hotels that might drive creative inspiration — we issued a challenge to three designers: Spend a weekend in a city you've never been to, bringing with you only the tools you can fit into a carry-on, and use your hotel room as a mobile studio in which to create a design object inspired by your travels.

A New Nashville Concept Shop With Rotating Curatorial Themes

If you walked into the new Wilder Etudes store in Nashville, you might not notice anything out of the ordinary; it has its own vibe, of course, but otherwise appears no different than the kind of small, directional boutique you might find in Brooklyn or L.A. But everything stocked at Wilder Etudes adheres to a theme that will change every three months, and the connections aren't always obvious.