Ellsworth Kelly–Inspired Sculptures in Metal and Glass, By Two of Seattle’s Best Designers
The last time Jamie Iacoli teamed up with glass artist John Hogan, in 2014, it was for a series of lamps and tables released under the banner of Iacoli & McAllister, the Seattle-based furniture company she was running at the time with fellow designer Brian McAllister. Iacoli’s second collaboration with Hogan — three large tabletop sculptures that launched during Sight Unseen OFFSITE at the Finnish fashion brand Samuji’s Soho flagship — features a similar metal-meets-glass construction, yet nearly everything else has changed. Two years after McAllister departed to pursue his own work, the project serves as Iacoli’s official declaration of independence, having revised the company name to match her own and upended the nature of its business model.
Whereas Iacoli & McAllister once focused on the high-volume self-production of streamlined tables and lighting, the new eponymous brand will pull back a bit commercially to grant Iacoli more creative freedom. She’ll still offer the same core collection, but in tandem, for one, with a new forthcoming jewelry line; its metalwork and use of stones were a point of inspiration for the table sculptures, which combine rings of white, gray, and lavender ombré glass with steel armatures. Also influenced by the paintings and architecture of Ellsworth Kelly, the pieces have no real function — a major first for Iacoli. “I don’t fancy myself an artist by any means,” she says. “But I’ve been going through a lot of life changes, and I’m allowing myself to approach my work that way for the first time. I love having the mental space to think about things other than, ‘It has to be a light.’”
That seismic shift was in fact Hogan’s doing. In addition to helping Iacoli refine her initial ideas for the sculptures and ultimately bringing them to life, he was the one who first pushed her to join him in experimenting at the intersection between art and design. “He saw an opportunity for me to expand my language in a way that I never really thought I could,” she says.