Excerpt: Exhibition
How Do You Conceive Design That is “Correct” for Our Time? A New Exhibition Proposes Work by 10 Designers Answering the Call
Since opening in 2020, the Max Radford Gallery in London has consistently been showcasing some of the best contemporary and experimental collectible design from up-and-comers. With the Now 4 Then exhibition, ten of these designers are debuting new work at the recently opened 2000-square-foot gallery space from design store Aram. For this collaborative show, Radford was inspired by something Zeev Aram, the founder of Aram, once said regarding his enterprise, which is currently celebrating its 60th anniversary: “I decided that I will try my best to bring to the public designs which are contemporary and correct for the time.” These days, “correct for the time” not only means aesthetically relevant or “right,” but ecologically sound. Radford, accordingly, has curated works that are sustainable and innovative at various levels in the production process and beyond. Modularity plays a large role in many of these pieces – allowing for the replacement of one worn component instead of the whole thing, or the ability to disassemble parts and potentially lessen the carbon footprint of transportation and shipping.
Participating designers include EJR Barnes, who combines horizontal planes with verticality in the Infinite Yes Shelving System, and Jaclyn Pappalardo, whose Sunday Bed evokes the lounge-y vibe of its name; upholstered in chocolate brown fabric, it feels both snug and roomy. Eddie Olin’s squat Exhibition Table contrasts with slender architectural stainless steel and glass tables and pedestals from Amelia Stevens. There’s also a sculptural,geometric work, comprised of 11parts, by John Henshaw, and colorful steel stools along with a large mobile from Andu Masebo, Lewis Kemmenoe’s wood patchwork chair, and tubular Onda dining chairs by Isabel Alonso. Lighting products feature industrial designer Charlie Humble Thomas’s playful Boro’ table, wall, and floor lamps and works by Freddy Tuppen, who wraps twine around aluminum or sapele frames to paradoxical effect – there’s a tension in the woven compositions but the mood is so calming. The exhibition is open until June 15th.
Isabel AlonzoJaclyn PappalardoEddie OlinEJR BarnesCharlie Humble ThomasAmelia Stevens John HenshawLewis Kemmenoe Eddie OlinAndu Masebo