How to Live With Objects Helene Rebelo

How to Live With Objects Sneak Peek! Inside a Colorful Brussels Loft That Perfectly Mixes the Vintage and the New

Often when we first tell people we're releasing our first book, they assume it's a compilation of stories from Sight Unseen's archives, or a compendium of the homes of creatives. In fact, it's more like a reference book or handbook, one that — over the span of nearly 50,000 words — advises you on how to make your house a home. That said, we would have been remiss if we spent that much time talking about how to live with objects without showing you some prime examples of people who are successfully doing just that, like Hélène Rebelo and Edouard Beauget, whose colorful Brussels loft we're excerpting today.
Sight Unseen Book How to Live With Objects

We Wrote a Book! And You’re Going to Want to Drop Everything and Pre-Order It *Immediately*

We've written a lot over the past two years about people's pandemic projects — the creative things they holed up doing while the world was temporarily shut down — but you know what? We were secretly working on one, too, and it's a big one. Introducing How to Live With Objects, the first-ever Sight Unseen book: an absolutely gorgeous, 320-page coffee-table book, published by Clarkson Potter this fall, that champions a new approach to interiors — simply surrounding yourself with the objects you love. It comes out November 15, but it's available for pre-order now and we're doing our big cover reveal in the hopes that you'll do just that!