The Artist Reimagining Fake Fruit for the Modern Era
Eye candy is called eye candy for a reason, but the Auckland, New Zealand–based Devon Made’s range of uncannily lifelike glass fruit creations take the phrase to a new level. (Is it just us who kind of want to put them in our mouths?) Edible impulses aside, artist Devyn Ormsby’s perfectly translucent banana, pear, mandarin, and lemon likenesses in cobalt, lime, citrine, pink, and clear have caught our eye (and stormed our Instagram). Each fruit is cast in crystal glass using a lost wax process that involves divesting the form from layers of brittle plastic and silica. This is Ormsby’s favorite step of the process, chipping away to reveal the softly luminous fruit with its perfectly replicated texture and flaws. Decorative fruit has been around for years — more typically in stone or ceramic — but Ormsby, in paying homage to fake fruit of eras past, has created a new class of collectibles. Rumor has it they’ll be available to purchase through SU favorite Casa Shop later this week.