Excerpt: Exhibition
For Its Second Fully Virtual Outing, This Danish Design Exhibition Gets Personal
As a virtual exhibition in the year 2021, Mindcraft is kind of doing the most. The showcase of contemporary and experimental Danish design is one of the oldest annual design shows going, having been in existence since 2008, and this year marks its second fully digital outing, after the organizers had to scrap plans to show in Milan last year. The interactive website includes individual designer pages, video interviews with the 10 designers and studios, an AR component, and a 3D experience. Of course, as with any exhibition like this, the bells and whistles don’t add up to much unless the quality of the work is there to support it, and in this case, thankfully, that is true. But while the AR component is interesting, it’s the videos that provide both context and emotional heft; our favorite projects and videos include Stine Mikkelsen, explaining how her colored vessels of crushed stone and fish glue mimic three of her most cherished sentimental objects, and Frederik Nystrup-Larsen and Oliver Sundqvist detailing how they made what amounts to the world’s most beautiful birdbath. Highly worth exploring after you’ve scrolled the photos below!
Photos by Anders Sune / 3D Renderings by Wang & Söderstrom
Frederik Nystrup-Larsen & Oliver Sundqvist
Else-Rikke Bruun, Stine Mikkelsen
Rasmus Fenhann
Mette Schelde
Archival Studies
Else-Rikke Bruun
Frederik Nystrup-Larsen & Oliver Sundqvist
Kasper Kjeldgaard
Stine Mikkelsen
Stine Bidstrup