At Home With Emi Moore from Casa Shop

At Home With the Owner of Casa Shop, Our Favorite Store On Instagram

A thoughtfully presented online store selling vintage objects, Casa Shop maintains a web presence but mostly operates in the manner of Instagram’s many “digital auctions,” where stores commit to sell to whomever is the first to DM off a post. Hand-blown vases, iridescent glasses, wicker baskets, onyx bookends — these are a few of the things shoppers can expect to cull (if they move fast, as things often sell quickly) from Casa Shop’s oft-changing inventory.

Week of February 17, 2014

A weekly Saturday recap to share with you our favorite links, discoveries, exhibitions, and more from the past seven days. This week: inside the homes of two design powerhouses, a visit to fave duo New Friends (above), and a Richard Serra parked in the middle of Manhattan.

Isabel Wilson on Freunde Von Freunden

There must have been something in the air back in 2009, because Freunde Von Freunden, the Berlin-based website whose voyeuristic, photography-based interviews are of a piece with our own obsessions (i.e. barging in on people's home and workplaces and showing ourselves around) — started just a few weeks before Sight Unseen's launch at the end of that year. "We never look for apartments but for people," they say, and that's always been our mission as well — to get at the personality behind the product, and the narrative behind each new release. To that end, since we introduced you last week to Isabel Wilson's textile and jewelry line with Chen Chen — and considering we've more than covered her partner in crime — we figured it was high time to get to know the RISD grad's incredible,intricate work. Luckily FvF beat us to it, with a gorgeously photographed editorial by photographer Brian Ferry, which appeared on the site just last month, and which we're excerpting on Sight Unseen today.