A Collection of Mirrors and Vases Inspired by Tribal Shapes and Colors

Two years ago, Ben & Aja Blanc’s Half Moon Mirror seemed like an outlier, a sophisticated riff on the resurgent popularity of textile art. Now, it seems to have been a prescient reimagining of the way disparate materials can speak to each other. In other words, fringe is getting mainstreamed in Milan. When we came across VI+M Studio’s divisive Cousin Itt-esque lamps last week, we didn’t think to much of it, but this week, there’s already been Cristina Celestino’s new tables for Editions at Spazio Pontaccio and, around the corner from our Airbnb, these sweet collections of vessels and mirrors at the fashion boutique Malìparmi: Called Masai and Maali and designed by Serena Confalonieri, the objects take inspiration from traditional African colors and textures. For more trend-scouting from Milan, see our Instagram Stories, and we’ll be reporting here all week.
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