Design for Progress benefit auction

Bid on Works By Design’s Biggest Names in Our First Design for Progress Auction

As many of you know, the day after the election in November, we launched a project called Design for Progress, which was meant as a call to action for the design community to rally behind progressive causes and vulnerable groups that would be in need of support under the current administration. Our first initiative was a simple online fundraiser for seven organizations that raised more than $20,000. Today we’re launching something even more ambitious — an online auction on Paddle8 of 40 contemporary design objects, with proceeds going to the ACLU (who are defending our Constitutional rights), Run for Something (who are helping young progressives run for office), Sierra Club (who are defending the environment), and Campaign Legal Center (who are litigating against gerrymandering and other voting restrictions).

In addition to being a shoppable trove of rare and one-of-a-kind works by some of the top talents in American design — like Kelly Behun, Thaddeus Wolfe, Misha Kahn, Cody Hoyt, Apparatus, Lindsey Adelman, and Kelly Wearstler, whose lamp is pictured above — the auction also serves as a statement that Design for Progress and its supporters demand fair and ethical governance and refuse to support intolerance, discrimination, or regression. We hope you’ll help us stand up for those ideals by bookmarking the auction, which ends April 7, and by placing a bid if you’re able. If you’re not able to bid, you can still help by downloading this graphic created by RoAndCo and helping us spread the word: #designforprogress #RESIST

Special thanks to Sarah Natkins, Cristiana Sadigianis, Eviana Hartman, and our auction partners Calliope, Tito’s Vodka, Yola Mezcal, Morris Kitchen, Flower Girl NYC, ConfettisystemCamron PR, RoAndCoMonogram, The Spaniard, Annona Wine, and Nourish Kitchen


Ben & Aja Blanc, Peach Half Moon Mirror

Bower, Tribar MirrorASHNYC

ASHNYC, Limited Edition WC4 ChairThaddeusWolfe

Thaddeus Wolfe, Unique Assemblage Vessel


Cody Hoyt, Group Partner / Cody Hoyt Collaboration


Egg Collective, Wu Side Table / StoolMovingMountains

Moving Mountains, 3 Pair Earring SetFarrahSit1

Farrah Sit x Chiyome, Arctic Smoke ChairSlashObjects6

Slash Objects, Union


Emily Mullin, Untitled (Gold)StevenHaulenbeek

Steven Haulenbeek, RBS Vessel #47VonnegutKraft_DuneGreen

Vonnegut / Kraft, Dune CandelabraMatter3

Jamie Gray for Matter-Made, Discus Table Lamp – Satin BrassLindseyAdelman

Lindsey Adelman, Horsehair Spike PendantsUhuru

Uhuru, X-Cube TableDougJohnston

Doug Johnston, Baleen (Vessel 2)ChenChenKaiWilliams

Chen Chen & Kai Williams, Moonmilk VaseHuiBuy2

Huy Bui, Grid TopoJohnHogan

John Hogan, IdleHome_Vase_smHome Studios, Vase 01JonathanZawada

Jonathan Zawada, Affordances #10 (Both Ends Burning)JonathanNesci2

Jonathan Nesci, Present Perimeter Vase Form #33FuturePerfect

The Future Perfect, Jonathan Cross Vase 04KatieStout

Katie Stout, Eye RugKellyBehun

Kelly Behun Studio, Cloudy Waters Lazy SuziLadiesandGentlemen

Ladies & Gentlemen Studio, Vignette Earring, Brooch and Necklace Set

Misha Kahn, Tusk LampsIacoliMcAllister

Iacoli & McAllister, Wire Side TableApparatus

Apparatus, Column Table Lamp with Ombre Wood FinishAnnaKarlin2

Anna Karlin, Hoop + Stick IIBariZiperstein

Bari Ziperstein, Silver Rope TotemTanyaAguiniga

Tanya Aguiniga, UntitledEricRoinestad

Eric Roinestad, XL Vessel 69FortStandard

Fort Standard, Range Chair (2013 Prototype)StephenEichhorn

Stephen Eichhorn, Succulent Stack (Point)StudioProba

Studio Proba, A Poster A Day Rug, Day 1281BrendanRavenhill

Brendan Ravenhill, Grain Drum 33″FernandoMastrangelo

Fernando Mastrangelo, DrumAnaKras

Ana Kras, UntitledKellyWearstler

Kelly Wearstler, Cleo Desk Lamp