Excerpt: Exhibition
Cody Hoyt at Patrick Parrish
A short post before the weekend that doubles as a public service announcement: If you’re in New York this weekend, you must check out a new exhibition at Patrick Parrish Gallery by one of our favorite rising stars in the ceramics scene, Cody Hoyt. Once upon a time, the Brooklyn-based artist, who has a BFA in printmaking, was known primarily as an illustrator and painter; two years ago he made the switch to ceramics, but in his new medium, he retains hints of his former aesthetic. Hoyt’s angular vessels, which are built by hand using traditional slab construction, play with almost origami-like forms. And while he had previously been making small planters better suited to tiny succulents, the new show, entitled Heavy Vessel, enabled him to go big. (Some of the new pieces are nearly two feet tall). “I had been searching for a way to alter my process to enable me to work at a larger scale,” Hoyt explains, “and for this show, I figured out a new way to go about building my work and also firing it differently. I’ve also experimented more with surface for this show. It sounds odd since my pieces have always had extreme surfaces, but I’ve been experimenting with patterned inlay with controlled lines as opposed to the more incidental chaotic marbled effects. The result is still chaotic but the intent is there.” On view until December 6.