Fair Report
The Best of Milan Design Week 2018, Part I
This year marked our tenth anniversary of attending the Salone del Mobile in Milan, and this year’s fair felt a bit… different. The showrooms were more crowded (sometimes uncomfortably so), the brands were more lavish (Hermes’s installation employing 150,000 Moroccan tiles rivaled only Flos’s poured concrete last year in terms of sheer material costs), and the trends felt less obvious (we’re living in such maximalist times that it can feel like all colors are suddenly trending at once). But the biggest difference for us was in our own attitude towards the fair, and our confidence in living out the week on our own terms. Ten years of pounding the pavement has taught us many important lessons, including a) figure out the Milanese tram system, it’s a total lifesaver; b) never day drink; c) make time for inspiring field trips and long lunches with friends; and d) only see the things that you’re absolutely dying to see. Here’s the first of our posts chronicling all the wonderful things we found.
SEM (Spotti Edizioni Milano)
Futuraforma Collection by Marcante-Testa
Check Collection by Elisa Ossino Studio
Pivot Collection by Giacomo Moor
Patricia Urquiola
Bethan Laura Wood
Roberto Palomba
Doppia Firma
De Allegri and Fogale
Studio Swine
Schloss Hollenegg
Arcadia by Sara Ricciardi
Jo Nagasaka
Jonathan Olivares
Garance Vallée for Martina Gamboni
Life In Vogue
Sabine Marcelis
Faye Toogood
Michael Bargo
Muller Van Severen
Calico Wallpaper x Lindsey Adelman Studio
Vitra Typecasting
Curated and staged by Robert Stadler
Unsighted, Curated by Nicolas Bellevance-Lecompte
Anton Alvarez
Jeongwha Seo