From Ceramic Hair to Luncheon Meats to Sleek, Simple Porcelain, Tissue Box Covers Are Having a Renaissance
In a world where nearly every product has been upgraded and rendered hip through new, Gen-Z-approved packaging — from toilet paper to tampons to breakfast cereal — you’d think there would no further need for a throwback like the tissue box cover, which is meant to cloak your drugstore eyesores in a mantle better suited to your decor. And yet at the moment, in part because tissue boxes haven’t really been redesigned and in part because they’re usually kept out very much in public view, the tissue box cover seems to be having a tiny renaissance, with designers like Ellen Van Dusen, Ellen Pong, and Susan Alexandra realizing their own versions as of late. Those examples are all wild and playful, but more understated and sophisticated options have cropped up too, like a Pierre Yovanovitch box in oak for Dior Maison, or a chic example in white porcelain by Virginia Sin, or Piero Lissoni’s melamine baguette for Alessi. We’ve catalogued those examples and more in Sight Unseen’s official “tissue-box-cover shopping guide you never knew you needed,” below.Everybody tissue box by Dusen Dusen for Areaware, $40
Tissue boxes by Susan Alexandra, $128-248
Wheazy tissue box by Studio Minko, $600 (Currently available in purple)
Taj Boutique tissue box cover by Mike & Ally, $1,000
Hollywood tissue box by Jonathan Adler, $50
Stained glass tissue box covers by TGH, $72-89
Courtly Check tissue box by Mackenzie-Childs, $88
Plain tissue box cover by Puebco, $42
Birillo tissue box cover by Piero Lissoni for Alessi, $55
Ush tissue box cover by Virginia Sin, $164
Antipastissue box by Ellen Pong, inquire for price
Boîte à Mouchoirs tissue box by Pierre Yovanovitch for Dior Maison, no longer available
Fresca tissue cover by Labrazel, $335
Formwork tissue box by Kim Colin and Sam Hecht for Herman Miller, $55