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Fall is Coming. Here Are 36 Sculptural Candles to Make Working From Home a Bit Cozier.
What is happening in the candle world? It seems like only a few years ago that everyone got on board again with tapers, which were once relegated only to formal dining rooms and Victorian-era cosplay. Now, not only are tapers available in every color of the rainbow, but you can also find candles in nearly any form you can imagine, from a female torso, to waxed Italian fruit, to ropes, yin-yangs, and Romanesco broccoli — all imbued with a sophistication and color palette that lifts them beyond their mall gift-store origins.
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Design is Undead — How the Seance Aesthetic Came to Possess Our Homes
There is a great and growing interest in not-new furniture (as well as a zillion excellent sellers finding the best things and dusting them off for modern relevance). But there is another way to talk about reviving dead design — and that is reviving the dead through design. Today’s subject and current obsession by For Scale's David Michon: the SÉANCE AESTHETIC.
Need an Ikea Upgrade? Here are 34 Accessories for Your New, Grown-Up Kitchen
This week we happened to be browsing one of the most comprehensive online sources for contemporary housewares, when it struck us as a pretty great bet — particularly for anyone who needs to fill a cabinet (or registry) with designy kitchen items. AllModern's sheer size can be disconcerting, but here we've done the work for you, unearthing all the gems we could find by the likes of Aldo Rossi, Os & Oos, Norm Architects, John Pawson, The Principals, Achille Castiglioni and more.