Fair Report
Our 30+ Favorite Finds from Design Miami 2018
At this point, there’s no denying that the collectible design fair landscape in America — if not the world — is, shall we say, in flux. Collective Design announced earlier this month that it will postpone its 2019 edition, leaving the calendar a bit bottom-heavy with Design Miami falling just after Salon Art + Design, and FOG coming up barely a month from now. So how does a design fair set itself apart in such a constricted landscape? For Design Miami, as we’ve realized for the past few years, the way to announce itself as different from all other fairs is to, well, embrace the Miami-ness of it all — whether that means an ultra-saturated backdrop (as with Atelier Courbet this year and Demisch Danant last year), an exhibition devoted exclusively to water fountains (Sabine Marcelis x Fendi), or, as with the Chris Wolston light for The Future Perfect at top of this post (by far our favorite thing at the fair), an explosion of hyper-colorful flora and fauna. Otherwise you’re just another fair showing a bunch of old French furniture, n’est-ce pas? Here are some of our favorites from the week.
Atelier Courbet
Mauro Mori and Giancarlo Valle
The Future Perfect
Chris Wolston
Chen Chen & Kai Williams
Floris Wubben
Reinaldo Sanguino
Calico Wallpaper x Philippe Malouin
Sabine Marcelis x Fendi
Ralph Pucci
India Mahdavi
Cristina Grajales
Aaron Poritz
Sang Hoon Kim
Salon 94 Design
Max Lamb
Friedman Benda
Najla El Zein
Carpenters Workshop Gallery
Vicenzo De Cotiis
J. Lohman
Korean Ceramics