Saturday Selects
Week of July 25, 2022
A weekly recap to share with you our favorite links, discoveries, exhibitions, and more from the past seven days. This week: the look for less by Eny Lee Parker, live forever in a funerary urn by BZIPPY, and a double-sided Royere door to die for, please excuse the expression.
If you’ve always wanted a light by Eny Lee Parker but the price wasn’t within your reach, the designer’s new collaboration with Mitzi ought to seal the deal: Consisting of 19 pieces — none of which breaks $1K — the collection includes a textured glass sconce (our favorite), lumpy floor lamps, stacked circle sconces and pendants, and a chandelier that appears inspired by growth patterns. It’s all part of a tastemaker series by the Hudson Valley–based brand.
In some ways, it’s a good thing that I never realized there was a very interesting, contemporary funeral home called Sparrow in my backyard in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, but I’m happy that my introduction to them was through the incredible collection of funerary urns that BZIPPY recently designed for them. They’re fun shapes, they’re great colors, and they’re miles from the etched gold vessels or a simple black boxes of yesteryear.
These cool glass vessels by the French designer Baptiste Meyniel recently caught our eye on Instagram. Called Serie UPN, they’re the result of a glass residency he did at CIRVA over the past few years and were inspired by an Enzo Mari project called Putrella. The molds for each vessel were made from sections of architectural metal beams.
Another thing we loved in Milan that got lost in the post-design fair crush: these simple bamboo-frame lamps, covered with parachute fabric, created by Tomás Alonso from Hermès. Not sure if this was a prototype but the production versions seem to be made of washi paper and they’re equally delicious.
We recently introduced you to Olivia Cognet’s epic wall-based ceramic murals; now the designer has paired with MATCHES FASHION to create a collection of dinnerware that includes plates, tea cups, and salad bowls made from earthenware produced by potters in Vallauris, a fiefdom of ceramic artists since the 1940s. Each piece is adorned with a sculptural detail that’s evocative of Cognet’s wall-based work.
The traveling NOMAD design fair landed in Capri this month, and a few of our favorite presentations included an outdoor textile presentation by Rachel Hayes for Istanbul ’74, marble pieces by Roberto Sirioni for Carwan, a coffee table by Max Lamb for Gallery Fumi and a stitched urn by Charlotte Kingsnorth for Objective Gallery.
Belated photos from a New York Design Week open studio called Open Shop, which included both this new corduroy and scalloped-based bench by Steven Bukowski, and new sconces by Hannah Bigeleisen including her Petal light (top) and cute Saraburi Marble ones made by Bigeleisen in collaboration with Robert Sukrachand,
Phillips’ new online design auction has a ton of great lots — including this 1930s armchair with a starting bid of $800 that I would snap up if I had somewhere to put it — but my favorite is this pair of double-sided Jean Royere doors that is like a kind of design mullet — business (gilded painted wood) in the front, party (mirror and wavy chromium-plated metal) in the back. The kind of thing you might design a house around.
The Ace Hotel in Toronto opened recently, designed by Shim-Sutcliffe architects with interiors by Atelier Ace led by Little Wing Lee. The space is warm, heavy on red oak, and dotted with furnishings and objects by Canadian artists and designers including David Umemoto, MSDS, and a DJ booth decorated with concrete discs by Concrete Cat. Photos by William Jess Laird
Two players in the Los Angeles design world recently joined forces to open a showroom in Downtown LA: The multi-brand agency Denvir Enterprises and the outdoor-furniture specialized architecture, interiors, and furniture studio LAUN. Denvir Enterprises represents a host of brands including BAUX (whose acoustic panels are splashed across the office), Gantri, Sun at Six, RAD, and DE’s own sibling brand of consumer goods, Work in Progress. LAUN’s sculptural metal pieces hang out on the other end of the showroom, and someone please tell us what is happening with this amazing carpeted panic room situation Photos by Ye Rin Mok