Excerpt: Exhibition
A Master of Perceptual Motion, Inspired by Mondrian
In his bold-colored and paneled paintings, textured by a variety of brushstrokes, Los Angeles artist Scot Heywood finds ways to generate perceptual movement and subtle energy. His exhibition of recent paintings, called “Scot Heywood: Shift ǀ Stack ǀ Sunyata,” are on view through the end of February at Peter Blake Gallery in Laguna Beach, conjuring parallels to the geometric styles of Piet Mondrian. And though Heywood did find the evolution of his painting style around the time he “bumped into Mondrian,” according to an 2013 interview with the gallerist Frank Lloyd, the artist found his latest style by playing around with panels on the floor. The off-kilter alignment of his eye-catching canvases between wood panels — pushed just enough, or “slipped” as the artist would say —are what make them dynamic and striking. Heywood’s works bring to mind the strong yet graceful gestures of T’ai chi. See some of the gorgeous pieces from the artist’s sixth solo at the gallery here or stop by before the 26th to see them up close.