Experiments in Colored Glass, Inspired by the Palette of Mexico
As avowed colored glass evangelists, we practically consider it our saintly duty to bring your attention to one of the coolest, most beautiful glass objects we’ve seen in years: As part of a residency program supported by the Swiss Design Mexico program and the Swiss Embassy in Mexico, Swiss designer Julie Richoz spent the last year developing these two-toned Isla vases in collaboration with the glass-blowing team at Nouvel Studio. Available in two sizes and a panoply of colors, each inspired by Mexico’s colorful landscape, the Isla vases feature a circle fixed within an oval-shaped vase — a classic form made modern by Richoz’s way with chromatic variation. We once called colored glass “a good way to embrace minimalism without eschewing color” — if you’re on the road to maximalism but not quite there yet, reach out here.