Excerpt: Exhibition
Experimental Objects from a New Generation of Design Stars
Considering this is our fifth year covering the Ornsbergsauktionen — a design auction produced annually by some of our favorite Swedish talents in conjunction with Stockholm Design Week — we began to wonder what it is about this particular event that we love so much. For us, it basically hits all the sweet spots: It focuses on the small-scale production of experimental objects, it commissions work only from contemporary designers with unusual or inventive practices, and it photographs really, really well (courtesy of photographer Victor Sjodin). This year, the project’s fifth anniversary, sees the exhibition and auction moving from founder Fredrik Paulsen’s raffish studio on Stockholm’s outskirts into a proper venue in the city center. The works on view are among our favorites in the five-year history of the event, especially the dyed-blue triangle above by Cray Collective members Amanda Karsberg and Lisa Berkert Wallard, the limestone lamp by Fredrik Paulsen, and the concrete and iron sculpture by Pettersen & Hein. We’ve excerpted 15 of our favorites here, but visit the Ornsberg site for the full catalog and information about seeing these beauties in person!
Fredrik Paulsen
Pettersen & Hein
Erika EmerénLotta LampaDavid Taylor
Jorge PenadésHilda Hellström Anton AlvarezSilo StudioJenny Nordberg
Studio SwineSara LundkvistAmanda Karsberg & Lisa Berkert WallardSimon KlenellKristoffer Sundin & Museum Studio